Reverse Market News

August 24, 2018
Bankruptcy Rates Soar among Older Americans

The New York Times recently published new sobering statistics... Read more

August 15, 2018
Some Easy Science to Help Predict Longevity

How Long Can Retirees Expect To Live Once They Reach 65?... Read more

August 1, 2018
Preparing Clients for Family Caregiving

For better or worse, millions of retirees will receive long-term care services – not from an assisted living facility or home care agency, but from their adult children. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving and the AARP, 65.7 million informal and family caregivers provide care to someone ill or disabled in the United States, and the vast majority of people who need that care are elderly.... Read more

June 20, 2018
NRMLA Takes New Aim at Financial Elder Abuse Awareness

The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA) is shining a new spotlight on elder abuse with the release of a new consumer brochure addressing this disturbing subject. The free brochure titled “Recognize & Report Elder Financial Abuse” provides resources and information for seniors and their loved ones on how to identify scams, fraud and exploitation aimed at the elderly, with information on where to report threatening and criminal behavior. ... Read more

June 12, 2018
Reverse Mortgage as a Financial Instrument

The reverse mortgage is an ideal financial instrument for seniors. To give you some quick information about reverse mortgages, we put together an infographic to help you understand what a typical reverse mortgage borrower looks like, an example of how the reverse mortgage works and what the market opportunity in the U.S. looks like.... Read more