Reverse Mortgage Surge

April 27, 2022

Reverse Mortgage Surge

What ever happened to the mainstreaming of reverse mortgages in retirement plans? 
There has been a push for years that financial planners need to consider the benefits of how a reverse mortgage loan can be used to tap into home equity.


Retirement researchers have been advocating for the use of HECMs for some time now. In an interview with Wade Pfau, professor of retirement income at The American College of Financial Services, he insisted that it’s critical for financial advisors to understand how income from a HECM can be integrated into retirement plans. We are seeing increasing interest in utilizing a HECM, especially among RIAs (Registered Investment Advisors.)


“I think there's, at least, more willingness to consider when they might have a role in a plan. So, you'll see more registered investment advisors using them” says Pfau.


Learn more in this article about Reverse Mortgages and how a possible uptick in advisor interest could soon materialize.


To find out more about reverse mortgage, visit our website, or reach out to us at Let’s explore adding this strategy as another option for your borrowers and your business.

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