At a hearing titled Turning 65: Navigating Critical Decisions to Age Well, experts from the public and private sectors testified last week before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on the challenges facing Baby Boomers when they enroll in Medicare and Social Security....
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The vast majority of financial advisers fail to incorporate home equity planning or reverse mortgages into their practices, which may put their clients in a worse situation than if there had been an error of omission. Compensation models, a lack of education and specific compliance policies are some of the reasons why this may be occurring. ...
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Reverse mortgages should be one of the tools that retirees and their financial advisers consider on a case-by-case basis when evaluating options for improving retirement security, according to a new study published by the Stanford Center on Longevity, in coordination with the Society of Actuaries....
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Housing wealth represents U.S. retirees’ largest asset. For the average 65-year-old couple, home equity represents about two-thirds of their total wealth. The only other potentially more important retirement asset is Social Security, since it functions as the main source of retirement income for most retirees....
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Contrary to what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau believes, there is value in delaying Social Security and spending down assets, such as home equity, in the interim, according to nationally-renowned retirement expert Dr. Wade D. Pfau.
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