A Remarkable Story to Tell About Reverse Mortgages

September 27, 2022
A Remarkable Story to Tell About Reverse Mortgages

Inflation has been greatly impacting older Americans’ retirement plans as “66% are worried about the impact of inflation on their savings and 53% say the cost of living is higher than expected,” according to The Modern Retirement Survey from AAG.

But the area of wealth that hasn’t unraveled is their home equity, and many senior borrowers have watched their equity grow significantly in the past year. This article in Scotsman Guide shares how unlocking equity with a reverse mortgage can help serve older Americans across the entire income spectrum and why we should spread awareness and understanding of what a reverse mortgage is and what it can do.

Find out more about reverse mortgage options on the Plaza Home Mortgage website, and reach out to us at Reverse@plazahomemortgage.com. Let’s explore adding this strategy as another option for your borrowers and business.

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